Saturday, August 7, 2010

Amplified & Thinking

"Organization Space: Landscapes, Highways, and Houses in America" by Keller Easterling

"Architecture is not about the house but rather about housekeeping."


To increase, to raise
To make larger, greater, or stronger
Expand or extend
To clarify
To exaggerate
To call attention to


To reason or reflect
To judge
To be conscious
To remember
To make rational decisions
To evaluate a situation
To consider something
To invent
To have consideration or regard
To have a belief or opinion
To have or form in the mind an idea, Conception
To analyze, plan
To anticipate something
To imagine

"When a small desire meets large volumes of consumers, or a dumb component is multiplied within a banal or repetitive environment, it has the power to gradually reconstitute an organization."

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