Recycling Recycling by Mark Wigley
Wigley talks about the extension of the body where "the limit between interior and exterior, organic and technological, gives way. The inevitable consequence is the extension of the human nervous system into a generalized cybernetic system."
[awr-guh-niz-uh m]
•A form of life (Life: something that manifests growth through metabolism, reproduction, or adaptation)
•Any organized body or system conceived of as analogous to a living being
•Any complex system which has properties determined by the character abd relationships of the whole, rather than its parts
[en-tang-guh l]
•intertwined or tangled (tangle: a mass of confused interlaced threads, strands, or parts. To involve something that obstructs or overgrows)
•to be involved in difficulties
•to confuse or perplex
"The prosthetic body grows into a landscape, a terrain that can be occupied."
(Language is an example of a prosthesis)
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