Friday, October 8, 2010


The site exists in a lineage of America's history of forging new ground and crossing frontiers.  The memory of place exists as the operational site.  For the coyote there is no gps or map to tell them where to go, it is all about memory and reading the land.  Its takes a certain level of knowledge to be able to see.  This continual bed of knowledge of the landscape and the trail network exists in the collective memory.  This collective memory is the catalyst for the migration to occur.  It is only through the previous experience of the place that the guide then knows how to navigate.  It is a continual process of reading the land and recalling memories of place.  Whether they notice the smell, the dense mesquite, a certain tree, or the shape of the mountains it is all linked to memories of the land.  

This network of migrant trails is a residue left behind.  There are patterns of movement and traces which have an alternate effect on the land. The traces can be viewed in relation to other historical trails: The Oregon Trail, The Mormon Trail, The Underground Railroad.  Arizona's Migrant trails will also be remembered in the collective history of politically charged territories.  

There are two chapters to my story:  Navigating Landscapes and Residual Traces.  

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